Saturday 15 September 2007


Final meeting for the creative team. In London! Discussing the final running order of show and who's captaining/or in what area.The meeting is hosted by the European Creative director Nick Irwin(who just won platform artist of the year).

Everyone receives their folder with the complete itenerary provided by Esa Live(Mike Esa our show producer) on our order/times down to the very minute of what's happin & where we all need to be! Nick discusses the importance of the International team beinging there and being humble in what we do.
Pat Mascolo talked about the new set up for her makeup team. "They will all be with the hair segment that they will be responsible for (instead of in an other room)". Stressing the total concept!

Our fearless leader, Anthony talks about we are all going to work & have fun but work first.This was especially for to the first timers visiting Vegas (its my old stompin grounds). Be on time & be humble. He goes on to tell us about the meet and greets on sat morn/night with clients!

Monday we work in Look& Learn classrooms. Then we are attendin the Photographic awards and then....we all go see the circ du sole show, Love!

Nick&Akos finished the final part of prep on the shapes for the night time segment of the show. Which means we have the weekend off .... Yes! Thanks to Akos for plowing through that last part, nice one!
Time to get last minute shoppin done for Vegas attire!
I'm out til tomorrow

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